What You Need to Know About Juvenile Detention Hearings in California
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
If your child is facing juvenile delinquency charges, you should reach out to a lawyer. Visit this site to learn more about what you should do.
read moreWhat Happens If My Child Violates Probation?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
Information about what happens if your child is accused of violating his juvenile probation in the Los Angeles County juvenile court.
read moreThe Phases and Timeline of a Juvenile Delinquency Case
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
There are three phases of a juvenile delinquency case: the detention hearing and arraignment, the jurisdictional hearing and the disposition hearing. Detention hearing and arraignment: This hearing provides the minor notice of the criminal charges against him or her and…
read moreWhat Happens At A Juvenile Detention Hearing?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
Your child’s first court date in a Los Angeles County Juvenile Court is a Detention Hearing and Arraignment. This article explains what happens at this hearing for both the child and the parent.
read moreWhen Will My Child Be Released from Juvenile Hall?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
If your child is in a Los Angeles Juvenile Hall (Sylmar, Los Padrinos, Central/Eastlake), this article explains Includes information about the Community Detention Program.
read moreMy Child Is in Juvenile Hall, When Is the Court Date?
Jerod Gunsberg, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
What you need to know if your child is detained in a Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall including information about release procedures.
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